From Every Nation (Chris Howles)Oct 4, 2023Mission Hits Journals #11 (June-Sep 2023) Links to all recent academic articles from all journals/periodicals related to world mission & world Christianity
From Every Nation (Chris Howles)Jun 6, 2023Mission Hits Journals #10 (Feb-May 2023) A quarterly posting linking you to all recent articles from 37 different journals/periodicals related to World Mission & world Christianity
From Every Nation (Chris Howles)Feb 11, 2023Mission Hits Journals #9 (Oct 2022 - Jan 2023)A quarterly posting linking you to all recent articles from 37 different journals/periodicals related to World Mission & world Christianity
From Every Nation (Chris Howles)Oct 19, 2022Mission Hits Journals #8 (July-Sep 2022)A quarterly posting linking you to all recent articles from 37 different journals/periodicals related to World Mission & world Christianity