Dear friends,
Welcome to Mission Hits Journals #6 (January-March 2022), a quarterly posting linking you to all recent articles from 35 different journals/periodicals related to world mission and world Christianity.
This edition has a 23 journal issues within, containing a remarkable 178 articles. I trust everyone will find something to keep you informed, inspired, and thoroughly up-to-date, so that you don't miss out on anything relevant to your ministry and interests.
Each of the 'Free Access' Journals has a 'Mission Hits Recommends' article...This is, of course, subjective. The suggestions are just friendly guidance for anyone who may appreciate a little direction in choosing what to read.
If you have friends, colleagues, professors, or students who might benefit from this resource, please do forward this to them and encourage them to sign up to. They can do so by clicking here.
Any social media promotion you could make for this free resource would be highly appreciated too.
Wishing you every blessing as you learn about and live out God's grand mission purposes.
Dr. Chris Howles (UK)
Head of Theology (Uganda Martyrs Seminary, Namugongo), DIS Fuller Theological Seminary
p.s. 'Mission Hits Journals' is a ministry of Why not also sign up there to receive 'Mission Hits', a monthly popular-level mission resources email - click here for recent examples and to sign up.
(1A) Global Missiology
(1B) Global Missiology
(2) Mission Round Table
(3) The Missionary Mobilization Journal
(4) Mission Frontiers
(5A) Quarterly Bulletin of the Asia Missions Association
(5B) Quarterly Bulletin of the Asia Missions Association
(6) Lausanne Global Analysis
(7) ANVIL: A Journal of Theology and Mission
(8) Journal of Language, Culture, and Religion
(9) Journal of African Missiology
(10) Evangelical Missiological Society Journal
(11) Missio Dei Journal
(11) Social Sciences and Missions
(12) Studies in World Christianity
(14A) Evangelical Missions Quarterly
(14B) Evangelical Missions Quarterly
(15) International Bulletin of Mission Research
(16) Mission Studies
(17A) Missiology: An International Review
(17B) Missiology: An International Review
(18) Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies
(19) Great Commission Research Journal
"Kingdom Movements"
Jan 2022, Vol. 19.1 (Free Access)
Rapid Kingdom Advance: How Shall We View It? (Dave Coles)
“Kingdom Movements”: Perceptions, Analyses, and Realities
J. Nelson Jennings
Kingdom Movements among Internal Migrants to Indian Cities
Sunil F. Kolhar
Does the DMM Approach Lead to Movement Breakthrough?
Emanuel Prinz, Alison Goldhor
Healing Miracles, Church Planting Movements, and Population Dynamics
David Lewis
Rapid Kingdom Advance: How Shall We View It?
Dave Coles
The Effective Catalyst: An Analysis of the Traits and Competencies of Pioneers who have Catalyzed a Movement
Emanuel Prinz, Alison Goldhor
Polycentric Leadership for Kingdom Movements (Part I)
Joseph W. Handley, Jr.
Prerequisites for Movements? Questioning Two Widely-Held Assumptions
Emanuel Prinz, Dave Coles
"The Kaleidoscope of Ecclesiology and Missiology"
Apr 2022, Vol. 19.2 (Free Access)
Education, Orality, and the Great Commission (Ezekiel Adewale Ajibade)
The Christian Church(es) and Christian Movement(s)
Ruslan Zagidulin
Education, Orality, and the Great Commission
Ezekiel Adewale Ajibade
The Hazara Minority in Afghanistan: A People Group Case Study
Kerri Bennet, Kimberly Dvorak, Lane Kipp, Jenny McGill, PhD, Ramón Tavárez
Polycentric Leadership for Kingdom Movements (Part II)
Joseph W. Handley, Jr.
"Popular Culture and the Good News"
Sep 2021, Vol. 16.3 (Free Access)
Exploring the Challenges of Partnerships between Foreign Mission Agencies and the Filipino Church (Iljo de Keijzer)
Surprised by Culture: C. S. Lewis and the Redeeming of Popular Culture
Joel C
From Toys to Tools: Reflections on Redeeming Our Screens
Les Taylor
Popular Culture and the Gospel amongst University Students in Bangkok
Cherlyn Oh
Ready for the New: How Social Upheaval Shaped a People’s Response to the Gospel–A Case Study from Mindanao, Philippines
Wilson McMahon
Seeking God and Growing in Him in My Way: The The Stories of Two Japanese Christians
Winny Leung
Promoting Foster Care in Taiwan
David and Ruth Ullstrom
Exploring the Challenges of Partnerships between Foreign Mission Agencies and the Filipino Church
Iljo de Keijzer
Towards Genuine Partnership
Melba Padilla Maggay
Challenges of Partnerships and Some Guiding Principles
Peter Q
Building Relationships for Fruitful Partnerships
Jaap den Butter
"The Alignment of the Church and Agency"
July 2021, Vol. 1.2 (Free Access)
“The Future of Church and Agency Partnership” (Bradley Bell)
“Churches vs. Agencies: What Posture Will You Take?”
Denny Spitters
“An Emerging Strategy of Missiology in the Local Church: The Shift from Sending to With-ing”
Randy Jumper
“Convergence as Mission Innovation: Keys to Unlocking Synergistic Partnerships”
Sonji Y. Pass
“The Sodalities and the Contemporary Church”
Jocelyn S. Wong
“Selecting a Missions Agency: Your Church’s Search for the Right Sending Partner”
Ellen Livingood
“The Future of Church and Agency Partnership”
Bradley Bell
"The Essential Elements for Catalyzing Movements"
Mar-Apr 2022, Vol. 44.2 (Free Access)
Expect and Train for Persecution (C. Anderson)
The Long Wait is Over
Rick Wood
Catalyzing Reproducing Disciples and Churches
Dr. Curtis Sergeant
Jesus’ 10 Movement Principles
Shodankeh Johnson
Learning Fruitful Practices through Experimentation
Trevor Larsen
Expect and Train for Persecution
C. Anderson
God’s Word Influences Unbelievers
Trevor Larsen
Fruit-Based Ministry, in the King’s Joy
Trevor Larsen
Key Prayer Points for Movements
Shodankeh Johnson
Biblical Mobilization for What?
Ryan Shaw
Mobilization to Strategy: A Personal Journey
Greg Parsons
Jan 2022, Vol. 74 (Free Access)
Corona Pandemic and Migrant Missions (Chong Pae Kim)
Partnerships In Missions
Roland M. Octavianus, Theresya M. Leiwakabessy
Mission Partnerships for Effecting Insider Movements
David S. Lim
Symbiotic Partnership in Native Missionary Training Ministry Between the Paul Missions International and Partner Organizations
Seung Il Lee
Corona Pandemic and Migrant Missions
Chong Pae Kim
Justice That Restores, Justice That Heals
Reynaldo S. Taniajura
Apr 2022, Vol. 75 (Free Access)
From The Need for Blood to The Need for Vulnerable Mission: Reaching Tribal People
(Jim Harries)
The Sta in Islamic Studies and Ministries
Caleb Chul Soo Kim
Living Life Together – Tribal Evangelism/Discipleship in Canada
Clifford Reynolds
From The Need for Blood to The Need for Vulnerable Mission: Reaching Tribal People
Jim Harries
Myths That Prepare the Heart of The Tribal People for The Gospel
Peter D. Bangcong
Multiplying Mission Mobilization Movements
Ryan Shaw
Mar 2022, Vol. 11.2 (Free Access)
The Projectisation of Missions (Kirst Rievan)
The Projectisation of Missions
Kirst Rievan
Becoming ‘Christ’s Cell’ for Migrants
Nestor Abdon
Multiplying Disciples in the ‘Graveyard of Missions’
Victor John & Dave Coles
The Dilemma of Personal Salvation in Collective Cultures
I’Ching Thomas
"Mission and Disability"
Mar 2022, Vol. 38.1 (Free Access)
A Man with a Mission: Mark 1:40-45 and “Mission With” Disabled People
(Naomi Lawson Jacobs)
A Man with a Mission: Mark 1:40-45 and “Mission With” Disabled People
Naomi Lawson Jacobs
Theology at the Borders of Psychosis
Rachel Noel & Fiona Macmillan
Mission with Children and Young People with Additional Needs and Their Families
Mark Arnold
The Golden Light of God’s Kintsugi: Mission and Mental Health
Bill Braviner
Mission, and Dispelling the Disability/Tragedy Narrative
Kay Morgan-Gurr
Mission and Disabled People
Tim Rourke
Mission, Disability and Creativity
Emma Major
Spring 2022, Vol. 3.1 (Free Access)
Poverty and Economic Justice in Second Corinthians (John W. Taylor)
Theology in Translation
Chao-Chun Liu
God’s Scheme: Exploring the Meaning of “Jesus, I Will Take Your Soul Back” in Al-Imran (3):55
Al Harrison
The Church’s Presentation of Christology in Islamic Contexts: An Historical Review
Petras Bahadur
Does James “Show Thee Christ?”: A Comparison of the Content and Communication Styles of Jesus and Matthew (Matthew 7:7–27 vs. James 1:2–27)
Aída Besançon Spencer
Poverty and Economic Justice in Second Corinthians
John W. Taylor
"African Christianity and Pandemics"
Vol.6.1, Dec 2021 (Free Access)
Religious and Theological Responses to the Phenomenon of Pandemics in Nigeria
(Ruth M. Oyeniyi)
African Pentecostal Church Life in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Analysis and Proposals
Justice Anquandah Arthur
Religious and Theological Responses to the Phenomenon of Pandemics in Nigeria
Ruth M. Oyeniyi
Missionary Bible Transliterations Complicating Selection of Funeral Songs and Readings During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Edmore Dube
Perceptions and Reactions of Rwandan Christians To COVID-19: A Case Study of Muhanga District
Françoise Niyonsaba
The Impact of 1918 Influenza and COVID-19 on Christianity in Nigeria and the Response of Christians
Moses Iliya Ogidis and Akarama Dan Jr
African Congregations Adapting to COVID-19: Conversations with African Christian nurses in Britain
Harvey C. Kwiyani and Paul Ayokunle
2022, Vol. 2.1 (Free Access)
Communicating the Gospel: How Much Knowledge of Jesus Is Enough Knowledge for Salvation? (Larry W. Caldwell)
Proclaiming Mercy, Practicing Salvation: St.Basil’s Practical Theology of Evangelism and Social Action
Jerry M. Ireland
Missional Creativity: Communicating God’s Mission through the Creative Process
Eric Robinson
Communicating the Gospel: How Much Knowledge of Jesus Is Enough Knowledge for Salvation?
Larry W. Caldwell
Contextualizing the Prosperity Gospel in Germany: A Theological Assessment
Frank Liesen
How Evangelical Churches in the Chicago Metro Area are Engaging Muslim Communities
Mike Urton
Reflections on the State of Church Planting in the US
Michael T. Cooper
When Technology Does More Bad than Good: Technostress in Missionary Contexts
David D. Dunaetz
"Theological Education in the World Church"
Fall 2021, Vol. 12.2 (Free Access)
Theological Partnerships (J. Daniel Salinas)
The Horizon of Theological Education
Greg McKinzie
Andrew F. Walls: Apostle of World Christianity
Joshua Robert Barron
Plenty for Supply (2 Cor 8:12-15): Theological Higher Education and The Majority World
S. Twumasi-Ankrah
Theological Partnerships
J. Daniel Salinas
Online Theological Higher Education: Reflections on Past Practices for Future Endeavors
Melinda (Mindi) Thompson
Plenty for Supply (2 Cor 8:12-15): Theological Higher Education and The Majority World
C. Leonard Allen
The Missional Calling Paradox
Matthew Nance
Apr 2022, Vol. 35.1-2 (Subscription Access)
Mission and Migration in the Formation of an Arab Middle Class: The ‘Ūdah Family of Ramallah (1869–1947)
Julian Cole Phillips
Missionary Self-Transformations in the Cross-Cultural Mission: Reflections on the Persuasion Strategies of German Protestant Missionaries
Maik Arnold
Reconnaître et intégrer les Antillais catholiques en Île-de-France L’ aumônerie Antilles-Guyane et les ambivalences de l’ Église
Gwendoline Malogne-Fer
Nation, Damned Nation and Statistics: The Summer Institute of Linguistics’ Missionaries and Ethno-metrics in Vietnam and Beyond
Jérémy Jammes
Church Talks on Peace Talks: The United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) and the Duterte Presidency
Junesse d.R. Crisostomo-Pilario
Impacts of Serving a Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on Individuals’ Attitudes toward Immigrants
Hui-Tzu Grace Chou and Alisse Shiles
"Oral, Print and Digital Cultures"
Mar 2022, Vol. 28.1 (Subscription Access)
Editorial: Oral, Print and Digital Cultures
Alexander Chow
From the Amphitheatre to Twitter: Cultivating Secondary Orality in Dialogue with Female Preachers
Frida Mannerfelt
Singing a New Song: Christian Musical Literature for Chinese Women in the Republican Era
Yun Zhou
Performing Heritage, Theology and ‘Land’ in the Lujam Songs of the Rongmei Nagas of North-east India
Rathiulung Elias KC
Changing Metaphors in African Theologies: Influences from Digital Cultures
Christian Tsekpoe
Rethinking African Theology in Light of Emerging Digital Culture
Agana-Nsiire Agana
Jesus Films for World Evangelisation: Dubbing Dissonance and Bible Transmediation
Johannes Merz
In Memoriam: Professor Andrew Finlay Walls OBE (1928–2021)
Emma Wild-Wood
Jan 2022, Vol. 58.1 (Subscription Access)
Time to Pass the Journal’s Leadership Baton
Marvin J. Newell
The Missionary Call: A Secret Code?
A. Matthews
The Use of Spiritual Disciplines by Cross-Cultural Workers in Nurturing Their Relationship with God
Karen Davison
What Refugees Taught a Pastor and His Church
Ed Grudier
Multicultural Realities: A Call to Diversify the ‘Unity’ of the Church
Simone Mulieri Twibell
Orality as Contextualization in South Asia
Timothy Hatcher
Jesus as the Good Camel Herder: The Somali Nomads as the Final Frontier
Aweis A. Ali
Counting the Cost of Indigenous Missionary Needs in South Asia: A Statistical Approach
Abhijit Nayak
An Evaluation of Patron-Client Relationships in Australia Indigenous Cultures
Joshua Mackenzie
The Church, the Call to Mission and the Jewish People
Geoffrey Butler
The God of Our Fathers? Questioning Volf’s Muslim-Jewish Parallel
J. David Willoughby
How to Measure Ministry Impact
Paul T. Penley
Silence, by Shūsako Endō: Reappraising its Relevance in Global Missions Today
Jordan K. Monson
"Member care"
April 2022, Vol. 58.2 (Subscription Access)
Towards a Whole-Bible Theological Framework for Staff Care and Wellbeing
Rosie Button
The Local Church is the Foundation of Member Care
Jeremy and Anastasia Thomas with Mary Tindall
Beyond ‘Paying and Praying:’ Engaging the Church in Member Care
Rene Rossouw
Growing Your Church’s Capacity for Meaningful Member Care
Ivan Liew
Oikos Care: Caring for Our Missionaries by Caring Through Our Missionaries
Pam Arlund, Mary Ho, and Peggy Spiers
Best Practices for Church-Based Missionary Care
Lori Rogers and David Wilson
Building Team Love
Michel Hendricks
Supporting Today’s Global Workers Toward Missional Resilience
Geoff Whiteman and Kristina Whiteman
How to Make a Successful Missionary
Curtis McGown
Do Your Members Really Want to Work for You?
Wendi Dykes McGehee
Fostering Sexual Wholeness: Breaking Silence to Defeat Shame
Dennis Martin
Building and Leading Culturally Diverse Teams
Galen Burkholder and Tefera Bekere
Towards Contextualization of Member Care
Sampson Dorkunor
Member Care from an Asian Perspective
Belinda Ng
Missionary Care from a Latin American Perspective
Paulo Feniman
From Ministry Call to Home Call: The State of Member Care in India
Isac Soundararaja
Safe Harbor: The Role of Hospitality in Member Care
Celeste Allen
Missionary Conflict: Destructive or Constructive?
David R. Dunaetz
Spiritual Miscarriage: The Death of a Vision
Brenda Bosch
A Guide for Member Care Engagement
Harry Hoffman
Apr 2022, Vol. 46.2 (Subscription Access)
Jesus’s Invitation to Participate in His Life-Giving Mission
Thomas John Hastings
Introductory Essay: African Theological Advance
Tite Tiénou
Religion and Values in Contemporary Africa: Christian Interpretations of Vice/Virtue Discourses in Ghana
J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Vivian Dzokoto, Annabella Osei Tutu,
Abraham Kenin, and Amanda Stahl
Reconciliation in Complex Spaces: Christian-Cultural Approaches to Reconciliation in Post-conflict Northern Uganda
Elias O. Opongo
Ethiopian Qene (Traditional and Living Oral Poetry) as a Medium for Biblical Hermeneutics
Daniel Assefa and Tekletsadik Belachew
The Adaptability of the Catholic Church’s Amani Mashinani Model in Kenya’s North Rift Conflicts
Susan Mbula Kilonzo and Kennedy Onkware
Born Free? South African Young Adults, Inequality, and Reconciliation in Stellenbosch
Nadine Bowers Du Toit, Dion Forster, Elisabet le Roux, and Shantelle Weber
Urban Africa 2050: Imagining Theological Education/Formation for Flourishing African Cities
Stephan de Beer
Exploring Integrative Ministerial Education in African Theological Institutions
Marilyn Naidoo
BJP and Donyi-Polo: New Challenges to Christianity in Arunachal Pradesh and Northeast India
Dyron B. Daughrity
Migration and the Making of Global Christianity
Daniel Jeyaraj
Kwame Bediako Makes an Offer
Joel Carpenter
Questions of Context: Reading a Century of German Mission Theology
Terry C. Muck
The Global Flourishing Study: A New Era for the Study of Well-Being
Byron R. Johnson and Tyler J. VanderWeele
Feb 2022, Vol. 39.1 (Subscription Access)
Emphasizing Fish, Fisher, and Sea for the Mission of Christian Churches in the Context of the Marine Ecological Crisis: A Response to the Ten Commandments of Food
Elia Maggang
Transforming Lord’s Supper: Indonesian Protestant Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rachel Iwamony
Herman and Johan Herman Bavinck on the Uniqueness of Christian Theism
Nathan D. Shannon
Contextualization and the ‘Death and Resurrection’ Pattern
E.J. David Kramer
The Pedagogy of Evangelism: Moving from a Didactic to a Conversational Model of Evangelism
James Butler
Jan 2022, Vol. 50.1 (Subscription Access)
Hybridity And Christian Identity
Arun W. Jones
“So Many of Our Destinies Are Tied Beyond Our Understanding:” Rethinking Religious Hybridity in Latinx/O/A Contexts
Jacqueline M. Hidalgo
George Liele: Liberated Slave and African American Baptist Missionary to Jamaica
Noel Leo Erskine
My Father Was a Wandering Aramean: Toward A Missiological Understanding of Hybridity in The Abrahamic Narrative
Sarita Gallagher Edwards
Using Cultural Hybridity as An Analytic Lens for Missiological Research
Peter T. Lee
Talking About Cultural Differences in An Age of Globalization and Hybridization: Between Obelix and Stephen Colbert
Craig Ott
The Role of Bicultural People in The Missio Dei: Creating A Model from Bicultural Bible Characters
Hannah Rasmussen
Conversion, Apostasy, Or Hybridity? The Terrible, Troubled, Transformative Experience of Paul as Exemplar for Missiology in An Age of Multiplicity
Amanda Avila Kaminski
Apr 2022, Vol. 50.2 (Subscription Access)
Missiological Research: Making Impact or Missing the Mark?
Hae-Won Kim
Mission And Principalities and Powers Reconsidered
Charles J. Fensham
The Universal Particularism of Panta Ta Ethne: A Biblical Case for The Continued Viability of The People Group Concept in Mission
David Earl Datema
Identity: The Ongoing Integration of Our Heritage and Our Allegiance
Moyra Dale
The Way Worship Works in Mission: Proposing an Alternative to The Standard Account
David E Fitch
Rethinking The Use of Disruptive Pop-Up Encounters for Transformation: A Missional Reading of Acts 8:26–40
Thinandavha Derrick Mashau
How Successful Is Davison and Milbank’s Critique of The Fresh Expressions Movement in Their Book for The Parish (2010)?
Tim Gough
"European Missions and Middle Eastern Churches"
Jan 2022, Vol. 39.1 (Subscription Access)
Protestantism, the Middle East and Europe: A Hundred Years of Action Chrétienne en Orient
Heleen Murre-van den Berg
Foreign Missionary Activity Prior to and During the Armenian Genocide
Paul Ara Haidostian
The Unshakable Kingdom: The Life and Ministry of Paul Berron (1887–1970)
Thomas Wild
Between Nationalism, Internationalism and Colonial Quadrillage: The Action Chrétienne en Orient in Mandatory Syria (1922–1946)
Philippe Bourmaud
ACO Women in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: Transitions and Persisting Patterns
Rima Nasrallah
The Action Chrétienne en Orient: From Missionary Society to Fellowship of Churches
Wilbert van Saane
"Social Media Evangelism"
Spring 2022 , Vol. 14.1 (Subscription Access)
Writing Literature Reviews in Church-Based Research
David R. Dunaetz
Social Media as a Tool for Evangelism Among Youth and Young Adults
Trisney J. Bocala-Wiedemann
An Examination of Three Models of Missional Communities for Sharing the Gospel with Muslims in the United States
Mike Urton
The Continuity Mindset for Christian Mission
Jack T. Davison
The Sinner’s Prayer: An Inappropriate Ritual for Thai Christian Culture and a Suggested Replacement
Kelly M. Hilderbrand
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For questions, comments, or suggestions, email Chris Howles
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