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Mission Hits Journals #5 (Oct-Dec 2021)

Writer's picture: From Every Nation (Chris Howles)From Every Nation (Chris Howles)

Dear friends,

Welcome to Mission Hits Journals #5 (October-December 2021), a quarterly posting linking you to all recent articles from 33 different journals/periodicals related to world mission and world Christianity.

This edition contains a massive 22 journal issues and over 170 articles. I trust you will find something to keep you informed, inspired, and thoroughly up-to-date, so that you don't miss out on anything relevant to your ministry and interests.

Please note a new feature!I I have placed a 'MISSION HITS RECOMMENDS...' for most journal issues (there's still some I do not have easy access to), emphasizing one article that appears especially interesting. This is, of course, subjective. The suggestions are just friendly guidance for anyone who may appreciate a little direction in choosing what to read.

If you have friends, colleagues, professors, or students who might benefit from this resource, please forward it and encourage them to sign up to (they can do so by clicking here).

Any social media promotion you could make for this free resource would be highly appreciated too.

In Christ,

Chris (Howles) Head of Theology (Uganda Martyrs Seminary, Namugongo) Doctoral candidate (Fuller Theological Seminary)

p.s. 'Mission Hits Journals' is a ministry of Why not also sign up there to receive 'Mission Hits', a bimonthly non-academic mission resources email - click here for recent examples and to sign up.




(1) Global Missiology

(2) Mission Round Table

(3) Glocal Conversations

(4A) Mission Frontiers

(4B) Mission Frontiers

(5) Quarterly Bulletin of the Asia Missions Association

(6) Lausanne Global Analysis

(7) Anvil: A Journal of Theology and Mission

(8) The International Journal of Frontier Missions

(9) Journal of Urban Mission

(10) Journal of Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics and Theology


(11) Social Sciences and Missions

(12) Studies in World Christianity

(13) Journal of Religion and Demography

(14) Evangelical Missions Quarterly

(15) International Bulletin of Mission Research

(16A) Mission Studies

(16B) Mission Studies

(17) Ecclesial Futures

(18) International Review of Mission

(19) Missiology: An International Review

(20A) Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context

(20B) Exchange: Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context

(21) Acta Missiologiae

(22) Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies


October 2021, Vol. 18.4

Free access


Apologetics in a Digital Age: Incarnating the Gospel for Africa’s Next Gens

(Kevin Muriithi Ndereba)

What Is New and What Is Old

J. Nelson Jennings

Contextualization: An Enkiteng Hermeneutic—Reading (and Hearing!) the Bible with Maasai Christians: A Review Essay and Proposal

Joshua Robert Barron

Contemporary Practice: Losing Yourself for the Sake of the Gospel: Witness in the Early Church and Implications for Evangelism in Spain Today

Deborah Galyen

Apologetics in a Digital Age: Incarnating the Gospel for Africa’s Next Gens

Kevin Muriithi Ndereba

The Life and Ministry of Erlo Hartwig Stegen

Elfrieda M.-L. Fleischmann, Ignatius W. Ferreira


"Mission and Prayer"

May-Aug 2021, Vol. 16.2

Free access


Prayer in Mission—the Essential Ingredient (David Harley)

Dixon E. Hoste and Prayer

Patrick Fung

Jesus’ Prayer for His Disciples and His Missional Church

Michael Widmer

Inspirer and Hearer of Prayer: Teach Me to Pray

Laura-Jane Meas

Gospel Doors and Gospel Bridges

Sijmen den Hartog

Prayer in Mission—the Essential Ingredient

David Harley

The Changing Role of Missionaries as Locals Take on More of the Work

Andy Smith


"Hinge Times in the Great Commission"

Dec 2021, Vol. 9.2

Free access


‘We prepared for the wrong pathogen’: Questions for Strategic Adaptation in Mission in a Post-Covid 19 World (Steve Cochrane)

Moving out of Oppression into Empowerment: An Evaluation of Indian Educational History Out of Oppression

Sarah Jose

Las Dos Caras De la Moneda: Perspectiva Bíblica de Gobierno y Economía en Coherencia

Ana Roncal Villanueva

‘We prepared for the wrong pathogen’: Questions for Strategic Adaptation in Mission in a Post-Covid 19 World

Steve Cochrane

The Lack of the Anointing of Togetherness

José & Rosana Liste

Is It Possible to Speak of a Surviving Church or Missional Church? Reactions to Steve Cochrane’s Essay

Gleyds Silva Domingues


"Do You Really Have a Biblical Worldview?"

Nov/Dec 2021

Free access


Apostolic Imagination: Recovering a Biblical Vision for Mission (J. D. Payne)

God’s Mission Is a Battle for Hearts and Minds

Rick Wood

Reconstructing a “House of Knowledge”

Debbie Wood

How Do Our Worldviews Develop and Why Should We Care What People Believe?

Jeff Myers

The Five False Worldviews That Ensnare Your Church

Jeff Myers

How to Stop the Bad Ideas That Plague Us

Jeff Myers

Thoughtlessness: Far More Dangerous Than We Realize

Jeff Myers

Can you imagine?

Ben Keiser

Launching Movements among Muslims: Case Studies of Best Practices—Antioch Family of Churches 24:14 Update

William J. Dubois

Toward the Edges

Kevin Higgins

Apostolic Imagination: Recovering a Biblical Vision for Mission

J. D. Payne

What Shapes our Views

Greg Parsons


"The Changing Shape of People Group Strategy"

Jan/Feb 2022

Free access


Reimagining & Re-envisioning People Groups (Leonard N. Bartlotti)

It is Said That the Only Constant in Life is Change

Rick Wood

Reimagining & Re-envisioning People Groups

Leonard N. Bartlotti

Lifting, Pushing, Squeezing and Blending The Dynamics of Ethnicity and Globalization

Brad Gill

People Groups and the Bible

Dave Earl Datema

One Unreached People Group at a Time

Duane Frasier

Making Data Count in Reaching the Unreached

Chris Maynard

Toward the Edges

Kevin Higgins

Use of Outside Funding In Multiplying Disciples and Churches

Steve Parlato

Can You Make Disciples Without Accountability?

C. Anderson

Toward a Biblical Missiology of Mobilization

Ryan Shaw

Understanding Our Time

Greg Parsons


Oct 2021, Vol. 73

Free access


Conceptual Framework for Developing Indigenous Theology (David Gyeong Han)

Conceptual Framework for Developing Indigenous Theology

David Gyeong Han

Dispersion, Diversity and Beyond: Exploring the Roots of Mission and Migration in Genesis 1-12

Ted Rubesh

The Tower of Babel Revisited

Wati Longkumer

The Beginnings of Holiness Teachings in Japan

Esther Maxton

Emotional Intelligence in Missions

John Edmiston


Nov 2021, Vol. 10.6

Free access


A Global Standard for Ministry Training (Manfred Waldemar Kohl)

A Global Standard for Ministry Training

Manfred Waldemar Kohl

Reaching the World’s Rising Nonreligious

Steve Moon

What is Islam’s Relationship to Christianity?

Mark Durie

A Korean ‘Love Sonata’ for Japan

Eiko Takamizawa


"The Gift of African Diaspora Churches in the UK"

Nov 2021, Vol. 37.3

Free access


Rivers In the Desert: The Story of African Christianity in Britain (Sheila Akomiah-Conteh)

Historical Development of Black Pentecostal Churches in Britain

Israel Olofinjana

African Millennial Christians in The Diaspora and The Identity Question

Joseph Ola

Rivers In the Desert: The Story of African Christianity in Britain

Sheila Akomiah-Conteh

African Congregations Adapting to Covid-19: Conversations with African Christian Nurses in Britain

Harvey Kwiyani and Paul Ayokunle

Finding My Place: Isn’t Christianity the White Man’s Religion?

Rosie Hopley


July-Dec 2021, Vol 38.3-4

Free access


Fulfillment Theology (Terry C. Muck)

Karl Ludvig Reichelt's Pilgrimage: From Conservative Lutheranism to Experiments with Dialogical Outreach to China's Buddhist Monks

Notto R. Thelle

Reichelt's Inclusivism in Retrospect and Prospect: A Crisis for Mission?

Notto R. Thelle

Innovations in Buddhist-Christian Encounters: Karl Reichelt's Contributions

Terry C. Muck

Fulfillment Theology

Terry C. Muck

My Pilgrimage in Christian-Buddhist Encounter. Lessons for Today's Practitioners

Notto R. Thelle

The Many Tongues of Pentecost? A Chinese-Malaysian-American Pilgrimage in Christian-Buddhist Encounter

Amos Yong

A Journey of Two Parts! Some Reflections on Reaching Out to the Buddhist World

Rory Mackenzie

My Pilgrimage in Christian-Buddhist Encounter: From T. Lobsang Rampa to Mahatma Ghandi

Terry C. Muck


Dec 2021, Vol. 7.2

Free access


A Cultural Exegesis of a South Philadelphia Neighborhood (Gino Curcuruto)

The Role of Faith in Addressing Gun Violence: A Change of Perspective

Drick Boyd

Pastoring Youth Behind Bars

Damone B. Jones, Sr.

Creating Thirdspaces in the Time of COVID

Joel Aguilar Ramírez

A Life Redeemed: From Chaos to Peace

Leo Mota

A Cultural Exegesis of a South Philadelphia Neighborhood

Gino Curcuruto

Opening Up the Gift of the City

Reginald Smith


Oct-Dec 2021, Vol. 3.3-5

Free access


Christian Advocacy Ministry in African Christianity: The Nature, Prospects and Challenges in Ghana (Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong)

Reading Naboth’s Refusal (1 Kings 21:3) from the Sediq Mother Tongue

Risaw Walis

Christian Advocacy Ministry in African Christianity: The Nature, Prospects and Challenges in Ghana

Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong

Examining the Translation and the Interpretation of ᾱμπɛλος (ampelos) and κλῆμᾱ (klema) as bobe and ban/mman in the Asante-Twi Bible.

Anthony Yaw Badu

An Akan (Bono-Twi) Mother-Tongue Commentary on the Second Letter of John

Isaac Boaheng


"Christianity and Citizenship in Asia"

Dec 2021, Vol. 34.3-4

Subscription access

Traffics of the Sacred and the Secular: Christianity and Citizenship in Asia

Sin Wen Lau

At the Margins of the State: Pentecostalism and Citizenship among the Bhils of Rajasthan, India

Sarbeswar Sahoo

Cultural Deference, Community Survival: Sri Lankan Catholicism and the Perils of Religious Nationalism

Bernardo Brown

Because We Are Christian and Filipino: Christianity and the Death Penalty in the Philippines

Jayeel Cornelio and Prince Kennex Aldama

The Synekism of Catholic Faith and Citizenship in Peninsular Malaysia: The Influence of the Société des Missions étrangères de Paris (MEP)

Shanthini Pillai

Deepening a Sense of Being Taiwanese: Conversion and Cultural Continuity among the Austronesian-Speaking Amis Catholics

Shu-ling Yeh and Ying-Cheng Chang

An 1853 Map of the Yoruba Country: The Idea of West Africa in the American Southern Baptist Mission’s Ideology and Practice

Babatunde A. Ogundiwin


"The Anglo-Chinese College and the Beginnings of Chinese Protestant Christianity"

Oct 2021, Vol. 27.3

Subscription access


Liang Fa: Pioneer Chinese Protestant Evangelist (P. Richard Bohr)

Robert Morrison and the Anglo-Chinese College

Ching Us

Early Nineteenth-Century ‘Murmurings and Disputings’ in the Ultra-Ganges Missions

R. G. Tiedemann

Liang Fa: Pioneer Chinese Protestant Evangelist

P. Richard Bohr

Protestant Publishing in Chinese at the Anglo-Chinese College, Malacca, 1818–1843

Ryan Dunch

Revisiting the Bible Translation of Robert Morrison and William Milne

Archie C. C. Lee

Prof. Rolf Gerhard Tiedemann, 1941—2019

Lars Peter Laamann


Dec 2021, Vol. 8.1-2

Subscription access

The World by Religion

Todd M. Johnson and Peter F. Crossing

Measuring the Size of the U.S. Jewish Population: New Estimates from a Pew Research Center Survey of Jewish Americans

Conrad Hackett and Jacob Ausubel

Charismatic Christianity’s Impact on Growth and Revival in Singapore: The Case of the Methodist Church from 1889–2012

Justin E. Lane

Projecting Global Religious Populations, 2020–50

Todd M. Johnson and Peter F. Crossing


Oct-Dec 2021, Vol. 57. 4

Subscription access


Innovation and the Field Missionary (Ted Esler)

Innovation in Missions Is Critical

Marvin J. Newell

Time to Pass the Journal’s Leadership Baton

Marvin J. Newell

Innovation and the Field Missionary

Ted Esler

Innovation With the Mind of Christ

Brent McHugh

Mission Leadership of Transformation in a World of Complexity

George Yip

Issues of Identity and Platform in Bringing the Good News

Ian Prescott

Golden Opportunities for the Prepared Global Professional

Glenn Deckert

Business for Movements via Pioneer Business Planting

Mary Ho and Vicky Warren

Every Believer, Every Platform, Every Nation: Unleashing an Army of the Whole House Through Marketplace Ministry

Ferdinand Nweke

Broadening the Church’s Résumé

Sharon R. Hoover

How Can Missionaries Work from Home?

Julie Ma

Media Ministries: Developing a Common Vocabulary to Strengthen Spiritual Impact

Phill Butler


Jan 2022, Vol. 46.1

Subscription access


Refugees and the Mission of the Church (Cindy M. Wu)

What Difference Does Twenty Years Make? Imagining the Future in Humble Hindsight

Easten Law

Introduction to the Special IBMR Issue on the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition

Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson

Christians in and from the Middle East: Lessons from the World Christian Encyclopedia

Deanna Ferree Womack

Global Catholicism: Diverse, Troubled, Holding Steady

J. J. Carney

Women Worldwide: Interplay between Church and Society and the Gender Paradox

Wai-Yin Christina Wong

What the World Christian Encyclopedia Tells Us about Freedom of Religion or Belief

Ewelina U. Ochab

Refugees and the Mission of the Church

Cindy M. Wu

The Uniqueness of the Chinese Mission Movement—Past, Present, and Future

Mary Ho and Rudolf Mak

World Christianity and Religions 2022: A Complicated Relationship

Gina A. Zurlo, Todd M. Johnson, and Peter F. Crossing

The Poverty Captivity of Mission in the Churches—and Strategies for Its Liberation

Titus Presler

The Legacy of Anna E. Hall, African American Missionary to Liberia

Jenny McGill

Missionaries and the Construction of Christian Homes: Examining the Formation of African Social Identities in Colonial Malawi

Dorothy Tembo

Social Capital and the Church: Engaging Virtually for the Sake of the World

Simone Mulieri Twibell


Sep 2021, Vol. 38.2

Subscription access

Learning from “Fresh Expressions of Church” and the “Loving-First Cycle” through a Case Study from Cape Town

Benjamin Aldous and Michael Moynagh

Colonial Politics, Missionary Rivalry, and the Beginnings of Seventh-Day Adventist Mission in Northern Nigeria

John Garah Nengel† and Chigemezi Nnadozie Wogu

The Persistence of Igbo Worldview in the Sabbath Church Healing Liturgy and Praxis

Ndidi Justice Gbule and Chigozie Samuel Nwaka

Identity and Nation-Building: Intercultural Reading of Isaiah 56–66 in the Ghanaian Context

Nicoletta Gatti

Marginalization and Negotiation of Boundaries: The Case of the Armenian Church in Iran

Sara Afshari


Dec 2021, Vol. 38.3

Subscription access


Nigerian Pentecostal Diasporic Missions and Intergenerational Conflicts: Case Studies from Amsterdam and London (Bisi Adenekan-Koevoets)

Missions in Contested Places/Spaces: The SPG, Slavery, and Codrington College, Barbados

Janice McLean-Farrell and Michael Anderson Clarke

The Prophetic Lens: A Missiological Function of Film for Black Social Movement from Martin Luther King, Jr. to the Camera Phone

Phillip Allen

Speaking for Ourselves: The Ghanaian Encounter with European Missionaries – Sixteenth–Twenty-first Centuries

Daniel Justice Eshun

Racism and Religious Intolerance: A Critical Analysis of the Coloniality of Brazilian Christianity

Raimundo C. Barreto

Nigerian Pentecostal Diasporic Missions and Intergenerational Conflicts: Case Studies from Amsterdam and London

Bisi Adenekan-Koevoets

‘Mama I Can’t Breathe!’: Black/African Women of Faith Groaning for Social Justice and Gender Equality

Damaris Parsitau, Esther Mombo, Ini Dorcas Dah, and Tatiana Wairimu Gitonga


Dec 2021, Vol. 2.2

Subscription access (majority available on Google books)


Courageous, Purposeful, and Reflexive: Writing as a Missional and Emergent Task

(Lynne Taylor, Elaine Heath, Nigel Rooms, And Steve Taylor )

Missional Hospitality Towards Healing: A Narrative Approach in Missiology

Bokyoung Park

Wilding the Church: Reflections on the Process of Wilding as a Metaphor for the Church as a Co-Agent in Mission with the Holy Spirit in a Secular Age

Paul Bradbury

Business Analogies at Church: A Hermeneutical Study into the Use of Analogy for Missional Church Leadership

Ian Robinson

The Franciscan Vow of Poverty as an Ancient and Modern Resource for Innovative Missional Practice

James Fox-Robinson

Courageous, Purposeful, and Reflexive: Writing as a Missional and Emergent Task

Lynne Taylor, Elaine Heath, Nigel Rooms, And Steve Taylor


Nov 2021, Vol. 110.2

Subscription access

Competing Visions of Mission and Unity among Japanese Protestants and Missionaries in Japan (1859–1912)

Thomas John Hastings

Mission and Christian Unity: Some Recent Hermeneutic Approaches in the Orthodox Church

Dimitrios Keramidas

The Gospel of Reconciliation and the Promise of a New Identity

Jukka A. Kääriäinen

Toward Comm/unity amids Brokenness: Christian Mission as (a Pursuit of) Relational Anthropology

Pavol Bargár

Draw the Circle Wide: Mission and Unity in the 21st Century

Kenneth R. Ross

A Common Word (Surah 3:64) between Muslims and Christians?: Reflections on Interreligious Misunderstandings and Polyphonic Understanding

Henning Wrogemann

Church and Cultures in the Catholic Missionary Renewal of the Early 20th Century: Critical Issues in the Thought of Costantini, Manna, and Vanzin

Roberto Marinaccio

Mission in Unity: A Study on the Multidimensional Works of Oliver R. Avison from the Perspective of Sustainable Development Goals

Meehyun Chung

The Need of Global Social Nearness in Light of the Teachings of the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti

Reginald Alva

The Liberating Humour of Desmond Tutu

Tinyiko Maluleke

Nordic Missiological Discourses following Together towards Life and the Arusha World Mission Conference

Beate Fagerli


Oct 2021, Vol. 49.4

Subscription access


Approaching Honor And Shame With Humility: Limitations to Our Current Understanding (David R Dunaetz)

Eucharistic Interdependence: A Biblical Theology of Support Raising

Kristina Whiteman

Why Hong Kong Millennial Christians Switch From Chinese Local Churches to International Churches: A Qualitative Study

John Snelgrove, Natalie Chan And Hui Kar Yan Alison

Describing The Good Professor From The Perspective Of Theological Students In French-Speaking Africa

C Bryan Davis

Every Tribe And Nation: A Demographic Study of The Fellowship of European International Churches

Anthony J Gryskiewicz, Anna K Gryskiewicz And Tomas Gollery

Outreach to Indonesian Domestic Workers in Singapore: Understanding Partnerships in Diaspora Mission Between Church And Parachurch Organizations

Jackie Jia Chyi Hwang

Evaluating The Nigerian Prosperity Gospel as a Mixed Ideology

Augustine Igho Omavuebe

Approaching Honor And Shame With Humility: Limitations to Our Current Understanding

David R Dunaetz


Sep 2021, Vol. 50.2

Subscription access

Between Rejection and Revitalization: Tokunboh Adeyemo and African Traditional Religions

Wouter van Veelen

The Mennonitization of the Mass Media in Paraguay

Henri Gooren

Towards Enlarged Cross-Textual Reading in a Multi-Faith Context

Daniel K. Listijabudi


Dec 2021, Vol. 50.3-4

Subscription access

In Memoriam: Karel A. Steenbrink 1942–2021

Martha Frederiks

Reading the Bible Together with Muslims: David as Sinner King and Repentant Prophet

Karel A. Steenbrink

Exploring the Possible Contributions of the African Palaver towards a Participatory Synodal Church

Stan Chu Ilo

Contextual Theology as Heritage Formation: Moluccan Culture, Christianity, and Identity 

Jip Lensink

Modern African Missionaries. A Reassessment of Their Impact in Uganda 1890s–1920s

Emma Wild-Wood

The Crisis of Indian Secularism

Enrico Beltramini


2021, Vol. 8

Subscription access

Young people, Youth Ministry, and Youth Theology: Sources of Inspiration for Mission

Franktisek Stech

How to Live a Happy Life? A Comparative Reading of Some Stoic Authors and Some New Testament Texts about the Knowledge Of God and Its Relevance for Youth Ministry and Education in Contemporary Central and Eastern

Åpprad M.Foszto

A Missiological Assessment of the 2016 Sociological Survey on the Baptist Youth in Hungary

Benjamin Bacso And Szilård Amadé Joföldi

Spirituality Of Alienation in the Context Of Kosovo: A Constructive Approach to Alienation of Christians Based on 1 Peter 1:1

Rik Lubbers

Missionary Radio in Communist Europe: Trans World Radio, 1954-1989

Branko Bjelaiac

The Project "Bible 2": A Case Study of Cross-Denominational Youth-Ministry in Romania

Daniela Loghin-Meisaros


Oct 2021, Vol. 38.4

Subscription access


Ecological Challenges and Injustice from a Missiological Perspective (Ji Young Jung)

Ecological Challenges and Injustice from a Missiological Perspective

Ji Young Jung

Protestant Revivals (Awakenings) and Transformational Impact: A Comparative Evaluation Framework Applied on the Revival among the Zulus (South Africa)

Elfrieda Fleischmann, Ignatius W Ferreira, and Francois Muller

Re-engaging Spiritual Formation in Online Theological Education

Cornelis van der Knijff

The Struggle of NZV1 in Spreading the Gospel in Garut, West Java, Indonesia, in the Early 20th Century

Kunto Sofianto, Amos Sukamto, Agus Manon Yuniadi, and Agus Nero Sofyan

Ministry Amidst the Refugee Crisis in Europe: Understanding Missionary-Refugee Relationships

Jamie N. Sanchez, Leanne M. Dzubinski, and Jacqueline Parke

Re-Strategising Mission (and Development) Intervention into Africa to Avoid Corruption, the Prosperity Gospel and Missionary Ignorance

Jim Harries


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who you think would enjoy Mission Hits Journals.


For questions, comments, or suggestions, email Chris Howles

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