Welcome to Mission Hits, a fortnightly blog highlighting stimulating and significant recent resources related to world Christianity, world church, and world mission.
Mission Hits is a ministry of www.fromeverynation.net
For questions, comments, or suggestions, email chris.howles@fromeverynation.net
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(1) General, (2) Video/Audio, (3) Digging deeper, and (4) Books.
From Christianity Today magazine: "Little is heard about what is happening in this strategically important region, situated with Europe to its west, China to its southeast, and the Muslim world to its south. Yet the way local evangelical churches are responding to coronavirus challenges speaks volumes about their way of life and ministry, as well as their future missions potential." I was particularly challenged by this point..."Churches without comfortable, well-equipped buildings are more flexible and creative in missions outreach".
Neil Brighton, Team Leader at Latin Link, has written powerfully about how Covid-19 is affecting the established structures of the Western mission movement: "Maybe what we need is less strategy and more anarchy, more people who are passionate about a cause, who are willing to tear down statues of history and redefine what ‘mission’ might signify so that we have a richer, deeper appreciation for the reconciling work that God is doing in the world".
Were you aware of this? "In recent history, one of the most profound changes in the global religious landscape has been the unrelenting proportional decline of historic Christian communities in the Middle East...Christians were 12.7% of the region’s population in 1900 but only 4.2% in 2020, and it is likely that they will only represent 3.7% of the population by 2050" This article won't take long to read, but put time aside to pray about it immediately afterwards.
The Global Church Project has done a remarkable job here of making short summaries of the theologies and works of female theologians from different parts of the world. Part of being in a global church in a connected world is listening to and engaging with perspectives from people in other places. Check them out here, including "9 African Women Theologians You Should Know About" and "18 Asian Female Theologians You Should Know About".
I enjoyed this 47-minute long interview with Dr Todd Johnson, co-editor of both the Atlas of Global Christianity and the World Christian Encyclopedia (extremely significant resources to understand the scope and nature of world Christianity today). He talks about important global trends in Christianity and how they impact the world today. I listened to the audio on my phone, but the full video is available here too.
(2) Mission Frontiers Magazine (Missions in the Age of Coronavirus)
The July/August edition of Mission Frontiers is out. Articles include "The Church’s Response to Pandemics Throughout History and the Lessons for Today" and "Six Ways to Bear Witness in a Pandemic" by Rwandan Pentecostal pastor Isaie Ndayizeye.
(1) How One Man Dared To Shake Up World Missions: The Ralph Winter Story (2012)
"Innumerable books have been written about successful outreach and evangelism, yet almost none address the centrality of the family as God’s intended vehicle for experiencing life, community, and growth. Offering both a theological and practical foundation for understanding the role and significance of families in the vocation of the church, this book also provides creative ideas for implementing a family-centered praxis that offers preparation and support to families living out their calling to make Christ known".
"In effect, the book presents a theology of human weakness. More specifically, it expounds on various ways that God chooses to manifest his strength through our weakness. The various contributors in the book confronting the stigma or the feeling of shame that often accompanies people with disabilities. We should assist people with disabilities as they need help. But let’s not stop there. How might we equip and empower disabled people to serve in God’s mission?"
Genuinely excited by this book. "Gospel doctrine is the lifeblood of mission. Most missionaries in church history have, in preparation for the field, committed themselves to rigorous study and extraordinary theological training, but there has been a move away from that in recent times. E.D. Burns contends that this is dangerous, leaving those who need it most ill–equipped to deal with the difficulties mission life brings".
"Undivided Witness presents ten key principles linking community development and the emergence of vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the 'least reached'. Twelve practitioners explore this uncharted missiological space, drawing on decades of serving and learning among communities in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and South, Central and Southeast Asia".
Mission hits is a ministry of www.fromeverynation.net
For questions, comments, or suggestions for the next edition, email chris.howles@fromeverynation.net
Please note that I choose links to resources I find stimulating and/or significant. Posting a link does not mean I personally agree with everything there!